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Team Building

Our SlowLife Coach Sandrine is a SlowLife Coach, sharing her philosophy of slowness in Tuscany and throughout the world.
Through in person and online Experiences and Retreats, she supports her clients to understand their capacity for slowness and how to incorporate this in every daylife.

Forest Bathing Experience
Using the energising and healing power of trees, your SlowLife Forest Bathing Experience will awaken and reconnect you with your five senses, which we are often disconnected from, in our busy urban and virtual world.                    

Harmonious life balance
Through a session of guided SlowLife Yoga, (a meditative yoga practice) I will share techniques and strategies of SlowLife Coaching for cultivating a fulfilling work life balance, in harmony with our deepest needs.

Experience SlowLife Yoga
SlowLife Yoga has nothing to do with acrobatic positions and everything to do with kindness and listening to our bodies. This gentle meditative yoga is an important support in our frenetic society where being kind to ourselves is often the very last thing on our list.

WINE Experience

Special Offers

WINE Experience
Breakfast Included - Fattoria Casagrande has a long tradition in the cultivation of vines from which it gets its wines. Spend an unforgettable stay at...
Wellness Experience

Special Offers

Wellness Experience
The package includes overnight stay, breakfast, one SPA entry per person for a two-hour shift (wet area, sauna, relaxation areas), one 25-minute massa...
SPA Experience

Special Offers

SPA Experience
The package includes overnight stay, breakfast, one SPA entrance per person for one shift of 2 hours (wet area, sauna, relaxation areas) and a wellnes...

Special Offers

Rebalance&Restore Package: 2 nights at Villa Casagrande with wellness path, light lunch and dinner included.Dates: 20-22 March, 11-13 April, 13-15...